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  1. #1

    Default Causes of Psoriases

    Personally, I haven't seen a person with this kind of disorder. I searched the internet and go the idea of what it is. What are really the causes of this disorder?

  2. #2


    Causes can be different for different people.

    Genetic, stress, can be triggered by something.

  3. #3


    The exact cause is still to be known. However, till date researchers have found that it may be due to overactive of white blood cells. gene mutation, pollution...

  4. #4


    multiple reasons for various people. A derm is best placed to advise the exact cause for a person. Minerva

  5. #5
    vencasand's Avatar
    **Brenda** Female

    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    psoriasis is an auto immune disease. it flares up in times of stress or depression or even weather can affect the flare ups. mine was not genetic, mine was causes by severe stress 3 years ago. i have lesions on my legs, arms, back, and stomach. when you have this the cells in your skin grow too quickly and instead of normal skin the over active cells are pushing the skin to produce at such a rate that it is making the healthy skin die quicker. there is no cure. and you can handle it. many of us have. it is not contagious, it just looks awful.

  6. #6


    Brenda is absolutely correct. It is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are very difficult to deal with medically and physically. The medicine at times can be very harsh and create other problems but one has to weigh the pros and cons as to which problem is worse.

  7. #7


    Psoriasis is a genetic disorder.It occurs in people with the history of the disorder in other family members.But sometimes it is also known to be caused due to stress.

  8. #8


    Researchers have found 9 gene mutations that may be involved in causing psoriasis. One of these mutations on chromosome 6, called PSORS-1, appears to be a major factor that can lead to psoriasis. Mutations on genes cause certain cells to function differently. With psoriasis, these mutations seem to largely affect T-helper cells.
    Immune System Causes of Psoriasis
    In a normally functioning immune system, white blood cells produce antibodies to foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. These white blood cells also produce chemicals that aid in healing and fighting infective agents. But with psoriasis, special white blood cells called T-cells become overactive.

    These T-cells "attack" the skin and set off a cascade of events that make the skin cells multiply so fast they start to stack up on the surface of the skin. Normal skin cells form, mature, then are sloughed off every 30 days. But in plaque psoriasis the skin goes through this whole process in 3-6 days.

    Normally T-cells produce chemicals that help heal the skin. In psoriasis, T-cells produce an abnormally large amount of these chemicals and actually cause more inflammation in the skin and joints.

  9. #9

    **** Female

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Psorasis can be very much disabling.

    Topical corticosteroids
    Vitamin D analogues
    Topical retinoids
    Calceneurin inhibitors
    Salicyclic acid
    Coal tar
    are used for treatment

  10. #10


    Psorasis is skin disorder which find in 1-3 % of population.major causes of psorasis are genetics, immune system, environment etc.

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