When it comes to laser skin resurfacing, one may be scared of pain and discomfort and many side effects. But with the recent advance in laser technology, quick, painless laser treatment with fewer or no side effects can be achieved. Profractional laser is one of those new procedures that can dramatically improve your skin texture with minimal downtime. It can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, scars, freckles and other pigmentation problems.
How does Profractional laser work?
Unlike other old resurfacing lasers, which destroy the whole area to be treated, ProFractional Laser only targets a fraction of the total area to be treated. The lasers emit a high-intensity beam which penetrate the skin and strikes the area to be treated while leaving the healthy surrounding tissues. This injury triggers and stimulates collagen growth resulting in newer and healthier skin. As the surrounding tissues are not harmed, recovery time is very fast and has fewer side effects.
How is it done?
Procedure usually takes around 20-30 minutes or more depending on the area to be treated. Although the procedure is often painless, your doctor may apply numbing medication before the procedure. When you start to feel numbness, the laser beam is then blaster targeting the area. Your doctor may prescribe Vaseline which acts as a barrier and protects your new skin. As destruction is less, you can immediately start working (even apply makeups) after 1-2 days. For best results every patients should follow strict sun protection and apply sunscreen on regular basis.
Are there any side effects?
Like every laser treatment, chances of scarring are possible. But when done with the good hands, permanent side effects are rare. Few temporary side effects may be swelling, redness and scaling which will subsides in few days. As the laser targets fraction of the area to be treated, while minimizing the damage to surrounding tissue, chances of scarring and other complications are very fewer.
When will I start to see the result?
Satisfactory results can be achieved even with one treatment, but desired results can be achieved with 2-4 sessions. As this technique is based on collagen formation, it might take several months before the desired results can be gained.
Am I the right candidate?
You may not use ProFractional laser treatment if you are:
- Pregnant or breast feeding mother
- Have any other skin diseases or viral infection like herpes.
- Have a history of keloid scarring
- Dark skinned (type 5-6), chances of hypopigmentation
If you have any other medication condition including the above or you are on any medications please inform your dermatologist before you plan for laser treatment. Your doctor will check it thoroughly and give a green light if you are the right candidate.
In laser skin resurfacing a laser light is used for removal of the targeted skin and collagen is
tightened. The main goal of this is to make the skin smoother, tighter and more tone. This post contains information about the new laser technique in which a high intensity laser bean penetrates the skin and strike the area to be treated an leaving the healthy surrounding tissues. All the information about the laser skin resurfacing is explained very effectively.
I had the facial rejuvenation treatment in Toronto that used CO2 laser three years back. I took the sessions on a regular basis. Fair results! Could not hide the fine lines on forehead completely, but could bring considerable improvement on ma face!