I have oily skin and so my face is prone to acnes,and has acne hyper pigmentation. I wash my face with anti-acne face wash at least four time a day.I use lacto calamine lotion if i have to go out as it contains zinc solution,which i think is good for skin problems and also use pimples pen over pimples.I don’t squeeze or touch pimples with my bare hands. But my problem starts during winter as my face also gets dry and chaped let alone new pimples eruption,so i use oil free moisturing cream.My queries are:
1.Am i doing right?
2.What is the best way to keep face pimple-free?
3.How can i get rid of chapped skin during winter without having extra skin eruption?
4.How can i get rid of my acne scars?
5.Is it okey to take steam?