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About Us

DermaTalk is an independent Online Skin Care Community incorporated in Late May of 2008 to provide a virtual place where all the Patients, Doctors, Physician, Health Professionals and general people interested in Skin care, Skin health and Sexual issues would come and share their experiences, knowledge and information with each other.

DermaTalk.com provides intelligent, respectful & responsible discussion and exchange of medically related problems, experiences and knowledge.

Talk to Dermatologist

 You can ask queries for free or get into one-on-one interaction with Dermatologist online. You can even connect to them or search/find dermatologist nearby, check their profile and book an appointment with them too.

Stay updated on your Skin and Beauty

Get suggestion and beauty tips from Skin Experts around the world and connect to them. Share your experiences with friends with similar issues and help each other.

We expect and welcome constant feedback. We trust each other to be open and straightforward, so if you have anything in mind don’t hesitate to message  us.



Dermatologist at Diva Skin City , Kalikanagar , Butwal