The summer almost near and with it starts warm and hot weather resulting in excessive sweating. Summer is lovely if u can maintain yourself but what if your underarms smells like hell? Body odor is a common issue and most ...
DermaTalk Latest Articles
Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy

Pregnant women usually experience itching in vaginal area during pregnancy. Although most vaginal itching during pregnancy may be due to pH level changes in the vagina that causes local irritation, it can sometimes be a sign of vaginal infection. Pregnant ...
Venereophobia, Am I having Sexually Transmitted Infection?

Venereophobia is an unrealistic, exaggerated or irrational fear and interpretation of having venereal disease. In simple term it is a fear of having sexually transmitted infection (STI) without actually having it. Young sexually active adults are commonly affected with it. ...
Natural Remedies for Bad Breath
Bad breath or halitosis is a common problem in general population. Lets admin it, bad breath is really embarrassing and at some point or the other many of us suffer from bad breath. The good news is that there are ...
How To Stop Peeling From Sunburn

Summer is here, and everyone loves to spend their day relaxing on the beach, lake or river, go out for fishing or some other activities that may have much sun exposure. It only takes takes 20-30 minutes to get sunburn, ...