Molluscum contagiosum on penis is quite commonly seen in sexually active individuals. The disease is generally mild and not much of concern when it comes to other areas. However, when it arises on the penis there will sure be lot ...
DermaTalk Latest Articles
Genital Warts in Pregnancy

Genital warts in pregnancy is a common problem for every women. Genital warts can grow and flourish and become easily irritated during pregnancy due to increased vascularity and altered immunity. However, in most cases, they may resolve on their own ...
HIV Early Signs and Symptoms
Skin rash can provide the first suspicion of early HIV infection in most individuals. When HIV early signs (mostly cutaneous) are correlated with systemic symptoms HIV infection can be suspected and diagnosed early. Although there is no cure for HIV, ...
Herpetic Whitlow: Herpes on Hands
People are aware about the herpes that commonly develops around mouth (herpes labialis) and genital areas (genital herpes). But the same virus can also affect fingers and toes. We call it herpetic whitlow; also called as finger herpes, hand herpes ...
Common Causes of Bumps on Penis
There are several reasons one can develop papules or bumps on penis. It may be either due to non-infectious cause like pearly penile papules and Fordyce spots or may be due to sexually transmitted disease like genital warts. It is ...
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: A Review

Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation of varicella zoster virus. When primary infection by varicella during childhood (chickenpox) is resolved, the virus particles remain as a dormant in the dorsal root or other sensory ganglion for many decades. The virus ...
Herpes Zoster Oticus
Herpes zoster oticus usually accounts for 1% of all the zoster infection and manifests as cutaneous vesicular eruption of the internal or external canal and pinna and is characterized by severe ear pain, a rash around the ear and usually ...
Fifth Disease in Children
Fifth disease also known as Erythema infectiosum and slapped cheek is common in children especially during late winter or early spring. Fifth disease is usually not a serious condition and often requires no treatment. What Causes Fifth Disease? 5th disease ...
Distinguishing Cold Sores and Canker Sores
Cold sores and canker sores share some physical characteristics so many of you might be confused resulting you to use inappropriate treatments or remedies which may reflect on its outcome. So it is necessary to differentiate between these two conditions. ...
Home Remedies for Cold Sores
Cold sores, also called as fever blisters are small painful fluid-filled blisters that appear most frequently on the lips mouth or inside the nose. In rare circumstances like in case of immuno-compromised patients they may also occur inside the mouth. ...