Diaper Dermatitis might not be a hot topic these days among us, but it is of considerable important to parents, pediatricians, and other caregivers. Diaper Dermatitis is a common type of dermatitis among the infants and children who wear diapers. Diaper Dermatitis refers to any inflammatory skin eruption that occurs in in area covered by diaper caused by either direct effect of wearing diapers or as a result of constant pronlonged exposure to moisture and irritants like urine and feces or fecal enzymes.

Diaper dermatitis is unusual during the first few month of life as fecal enzymes are present in low level during this period. It usually peaks between 6-12 months of age,and may continue till diapers are not further used in child. Constant pronlonged exposure to moisture and irritants like urine and feces or fecal enzymes makes the skin wet and is more susceptible to damage by physical, chemical, and enzymatic mechanisms thus makes penetration of irritants more easy.The most common risk factor might include diarrhoea or use of antibiotics. Once infection is established it may be colonised by organism like staphylococcus aureus or candida albicans and induce secondary changes thus resulting superinfection.

The key to prevention and treatment of Diaper Dermatitis is to make sure your baby’s diaper and clean and dry, disposable diapers are preferred more which provide a lower prevalence and severity of diaper dermatitis.The skin in the diaper area must be kept as dry and free from iritants as possible. Use of diapers with absorbant gel materials useful in protecting diaper dermatitis as these type of absorbant do not allow urine or other fecal enzymes to come in contact with skin. An emmolent or paste like zinc oxide ointment or various products containing zinc oxide might be used in first line of therapy for diaper dermatitis in mild cases,this helps as a barrier from irritants with every diaper change.

For more severe cases 1% hydrocortisone might be used three times a day with doctor consultation.For candida infection anti-fungal preparation like clotrimazole,ketokenazole three time a day might be useful.For staphylicoccal infection anticiotics like cloxacilin or cephalexim can be used for 8-10 days,but before using doctor consultation is suggested.
