It is very hard to fight acne. Most often it can be depressing to see various acne black spots appear after you’ve successfully eliminated your acne. When those acne black spots appear on your skin, a proper treatment regimen should be conducted immediately to fade acne spots and to prevent acne scar.
Dark skin pigmentation is often caused by excessive sun exposure. It is also referred as photo aging. Dark spots on your skin can also be caused by acne. Your acne black spots are often appeared because of excessive exposure to the sun’s ultra violet rays when you still have acne. The results are ugly dark spots and acne scars.
However, you don’t need to worry as there are various natural acne skin care treatments that you can use immediately to get rid of black spots from acne. You can use 7 solid treatments below to fade acne black spots easily:
1. Manuka Honey – This kind of special New Zealand honey has been trusted by skin care professionals to cure your dark spots naturally. If you have dark spots on your skin, applying Manuka honey to the affected areas after bathing will help lighten the dark spots.
2. Aloe vera gel – The gel of aloe vera is known as a substance that can effectively repair skin damage. It has been used since ancient time to fight skin problems. It can effectively cure acne black spots on your face.
3. Castor oil – There are various healing properties contained in castor oil. This oil is effective to fade dark spots in a few days. You can use this oil in the night, before going to bed. Leave this oil overnight and wash your face in the morning.
4. Yogurt – Can yogurt help eliminate your skin discoloration? You bet! It is a natural bleaching for your skin. Just combine the yogurt with lime juice and apply the paste to your face every day. You’ll watch your dark spots fade away slowly.
5. Lemon – Lemon can also be used as natural bleaching treatment. Lemon juice, whether you apply it topically or drink it regularly, can help you to eliminate the black spots immediately. If you can, use lemon as internal and external skin treatment.
6. Extrapone nutgrass – This root extracts can fade your dark spots within two weeks. Extrapone nutgrass is an essential herb that can lighten your skin discoloration and make your skin looks white.
7. Cucumber – A special fruit with abundance skin healing properties. You can include this fruit to your regular diet, especially in your salad. You can also take advantage of cucumber by applying cucumber mask every two days to gradually eliminate acne black spots.
I have been using the lemon spot treatment remedy for two weeks now and have experienced remarkable results just be sure to use sunscreen daily and results will wow you. Im so glad i discovered this website
I have black spots on my face due to pimples how can i get rid of it.please help me
Isnt there any remedy that is almost instant like two days to see skin improvemnt coz myacne and blackheads are just too many and really bad and aside from the home remdies what cream would you suggest
Thew Aloe Vera gel or any stuff which is made from Aloe Vera is really very effective for skin damages.It works slowly but fills the pores,spots and removes
blotches.Aloe Vera can also be added in diet to get improvement inside of the body.Although few popular brands have introduced few creams in market which works too but we should try to avoid to use chemical stuff on our face because it is very sensitive part of human body.
Second i will prefer to take better diet above all ,specially your food should contain all the necessity vitamins and minerals.Because as we know that process of making tissues generate from the inside.
My skin is oily. So … If your face (or elsewhere), a black spots, which means already clogging skin pores. It is frequently necessary to clean the skin, so that from happening. I’m using a simple soap for at least three times a day. Only took a long time, until I found a really good and inexpensive soap (not one of those really expensive), which do not impair my skin. That’s it … I even tried cucumber mask. It is very refreshing skin.