Dry skin is a common condition of all ages and gender but is espically present among the elderly.Dry skin is due to dehydration of strantum corneum of skin which is more commonly found in lower legs but might affect any area of the skin.When it is severe that might be associated with inflammation and pruritus it is called as aesteatotic eczema or winter itch.

Environment factors play major role in dryness of skin.Repeat exposure to solvent,soaps and disinfectants removes the lipids from the skin and decrease the natural moisturizing factor (NMF),as a result cutaneous barrier of skin is damaged which fasciliates increase in water loss upto 75 times normal.Other factors to dryness includes decrease relative humidity,exposure to dry air or seasonal cold.

Dryness of skin is not due to lack of grease or oils but it is due to lack of water.So prevention of dryness must be aimed at maintaining water in the skin and environment factors that causes.For prevention use of humudifiers,avoiding excessive exposure to soaps,solvent or other drying compound and frequest use of emmollients are encourage.Bathing frequently without moisture might contribute to dryness, so use of bath oils with warm water ( not hot water ) bath is encouraged.

Primary therapy of dryness is to add water and frequent use of emollients.For severe cases topical corticosteroids are most effective and rapid therapy.
