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  1. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Your condition looks like Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema to me. Sweat and several other irritant factors might more aggravate the condition so try to avoid the aggravating factors, detergents and harsh soaps. Apply potent steroid for 3-4 wks along with oral antihistamines for 3-4 wks . Try

    Your condition looks like Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema to me. Sweat and several other irritant factors might more aggravate the condition so try to avoid the aggravating factors, detergents and harsh soaps. Apply potent steroid for 3-4 wks along with oral antihistamines for 3-4 wks . Try

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  2. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Welcome to DermaTalk Mimico, Fibroadenomas are harmless non-cancerous breast lumps. No fibroadenomas itself doesn't cause hair fall. Your aunt hair fall might be due to changes in hormonal level ,stress or any other diseases like thyroid , Vit D deficiency or some other reason. Please ask her to visRead more

    Welcome to DermaTalk Mimico, Fibroadenomas are harmless non-cancerous breast lumps. No fibroadenomas itself doesn’t cause hair fall. Your aunt hair fall might be due to changes in hormonal level ,stress or any other diseases like thyroid , Vit D deficiency or some other reason. Please ask her to visit the derma and get it checked.


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  3. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for healthy cell and tissue development, including the hair, but if you take in excess amount it can harm. You hair follows natural growth and shed cycle ,but excess vitamin A speeds up that cycle. As a result your hair reaches the end growth phase quicker then norRead more

    Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for healthy cell and tissue development, including the hair, but if you take in excess amount it can harm. You hair follows natural growth and shed cycle ,but excess vitamin A speeds up that cycle. As a result your hair reaches the end growth phase quicker then normal and starts to shed and your body can’t replace the lost hair immediately. This leads to significant hair loss and hair thinning.

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  4. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    For Mild acne just topical will work ,but if moderate grade acne u need oral antibiotics along with topicals. Severe acne like nodulocystic acne your doctor will prescribe isotretinoin along with topicals.Most of the medicines will work but it take time, at-least 6-8 wks treatment is required.

    For Mild acne just topical will work ,but if moderate grade acne u need oral antibiotics along with topicals. Severe acne like nodulocystic acne your doctor will prescribe isotretinoin along with topicals.Most of the medicines will work but it take time, at-least 6-8 wks treatment is required.

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  1. Dr.Deepak
    Best Answer
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    If you post a pic that would be better, as we can't confirm if its a wart or something else. Anyway if they are very small topical applications of retinol agents like tretinoin might solve the problem.

    If you post a pic that would be better, as we can’t confirm if its a wart or something else. Anyway if they are very small topical applications of retinol agents like tretinoin might solve the problem.

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  2. Dr.Deepak
    Best Answer
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Black hairy tongue is quite common and harmless condition. Those little bumps on tongue sometime grows and trap foods, bacteria yeast and other things and in the long run its gets stained and gives black color. Casautive factors are oral antibiotics, excess use of coffee, alcohol, smoking, poor oralRead more

    Black hairy tongue is quite common and harmless condition. Those little bumps on tongue sometime grows and trap foods, bacteria yeast and other things and in the long run its gets stained and gives black color. Casautive factors are oral antibiotics, excess use of coffee, alcohol, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and some times underlying systemic conditions, such as malignancy.

    In most cases good mouth and tongue cleaning will get rid of black hairy tongue. If that doesn’t help, you need to consult dermatologist for some prescription medications.

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  3. Dr.Deepak
    Best Answer
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Welcome to DermaTalk. Don't get stressted, is could just be Keloid arising from old scar and not cancer. Can u send the pic so it could be easy form us to diagnose.

    Welcome to DermaTalk. Don’t get stressted, is could just be Keloid arising from old scar and not cancer. Can u send the pic so it could be easy form us to diagnose.

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