I have acne on my face, tried with antibiotics and gels but nothing seems to work. Anyone here experience with aloe vera, can aloe vera reduce acne, is aloe vera good for acne.
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out of no where a red mole appeared in my arm, can this be cancer in my skin? im really scared.
Ok, baldness may be your destination. But how long it takes to get there is optional. Because even if hair loss is unavoidable, it is also postponable. I believe that certain lifestyle factors can accelerate hair loss. Your diet, your ...
I’m sorry if its the wrong forum as it says about herpes simplex. I was curious about herpes zoster vaccine. can it be used during pregnancy? No i’m not getting pregnant, was just curious as i heard about herpes zoster ...
Hi, I had a very itchy rash for 10 days, on my limbs and face. I went to the GP who looked at it and said it was scabies, I was grateful for a diagnosis, until I looked online about ...