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  1. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Try using enough antiperspirant or deodorant to avoid smell bad. Remember to drink lot of water which helps dilutes the concentration of your bodily excrete. There are some prescription preparations that can be given to you by your dermatologist. Visit your Dermatologist to rule-out any medical condRead more

    Try using enough antiperspirant or deodorant to avoid smell bad. Remember to drink lot of water which helps dilutes the concentration of your bodily excrete. There are some prescription preparations that can be given to you by your dermatologist.

    Visit your Dermatologist to rule-out any medical condition that might have increase sweating issues in you. Failure to visit the derma on time might result in regrets later.

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  2. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    No, herpes zoster vaccine cannot be given during pregnancy. In women who are immunocompromised and are high risk of severe outcome from herpes zoster are recommended to take Herpes Zoster Vaccine either before the planned pregnancy or immediately after delivery.

    No, herpes zoster vaccine cannot be given during pregnancy.

    In women who are immunocompromised and are high risk of severe outcome from herpes zoster are recommended to take Herpes Zoster Vaccine either before the planned pregnancy or immediately after delivery.

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  3. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    This kind of nail problem indicates either poor health or bad eating habits that leads to low level of zinc and iron. Besides this there are several other causes like very dry or very wet nails, some nail infections and health issues like anemia and thyroids.  This could be the reason that is causinRead more

    This kind of nail problem indicates either poor health or bad eating habits that leads to low level of zinc and iron. Besides this there are several other causes like very dry or very wet nails, some nail infections and health issues like anemia and thyroids.  This could be the reason that is causing darkening and cracking of the skin around the nails.

    I would suggest you consult dermatologist near you to get checked for thyroids and anemia. Take care of your diet, a diet rich in calcium, proteins, Zine and iron are very helpful. Use moisturizer and avoid harsh chemical and soap. 

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  4. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Welcome to Dermatalk Starfire, your condition looks like Keratosis pilaris to me which is quite common on arms and thigh. Check if your parents have them? Although harmless condition it can sometime be annoying. Does it itch? applying moisturizers along with peeling agents like (retinoids, salicylicRead more

    Welcome to Dermatalk Starfire, your condition looks like Keratosis pilaris to me which is quite common on arms and thigh. Check if your parents have them?

    Although harmless condition it can sometime be annoying. Does it itch? applying moisturizers along with peeling agents like (retinoids, salicylic acid, 15-20% urea, lactic acid) and mild steroids might help resolve the lesions. But there is no any universally accepted effective treatment for KP. Please visit the dermatologist and confirm the case and he/she will help u with the best medications.

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  5. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Your condition looks like Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema to me. Sweat and several other irritant factors might more aggravate the condition so try to avoid the aggravating factors, detergents and harsh soaps. Apply potent steroid for 3-4 wks along with oral antihistamines for 3-4 wks . Try

    Your condition looks like Pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema to me. Sweat and several other irritant factors might more aggravate the condition so try to avoid the aggravating factors, detergents and harsh soaps. Apply potent steroid for 3-4 wks along with oral antihistamines for 3-4 wks . Try

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  6. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Welcome to DermaTalk Mimico, Fibroadenomas are harmless non-cancerous breast lumps. No fibroadenomas itself doesn't cause hair fall. Your aunt hair fall might be due to changes in hormonal level ,stress or any other diseases like thyroid , Vit D deficiency or some other reason. Please ask her to visRead more

    Welcome to DermaTalk Mimico, Fibroadenomas are harmless non-cancerous breast lumps. No fibroadenomas itself doesn’t cause hair fall. Your aunt hair fall might be due to changes in hormonal level ,stress or any other diseases like thyroid , Vit D deficiency or some other reason. Please ask her to visit the derma and get it checked.


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  7. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Depends on person to person and age. For some it starts within 4-6 weeks while for most cases it takes 12 to 16 weeks to fully grow.

    Depends on person to person and age. For some it starts within 4-6 weeks while for most cases it takes 12 to 16 weeks to fully grow.

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  8. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for healthy cell and tissue development, including the hair, but if you take in excess amount it can harm. You hair follows natural growth and shed cycle ,but excess vitamin A speeds up that cycle. As a result your hair reaches the end growth phase quicker then norRead more

    Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for healthy cell and tissue development, including the hair, but if you take in excess amount it can harm. You hair follows natural growth and shed cycle ,but excess vitamin A speeds up that cycle. As a result your hair reaches the end growth phase quicker then normal and starts to shed and your body can’t replace the lost hair immediately. This leads to significant hair loss and hair thinning.

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  9. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    For Mild acne just topical will work ,but if moderate grade acne u need oral antibiotics along with topicals. Severe acne like nodulocystic acne your doctor will prescribe isotretinoin along with topicals.Most of the medicines will work but it take time, at-least 6-8 wks treatment is required.

    For Mild acne just topical will work ,but if moderate grade acne u need oral antibiotics along with topicals. Severe acne like nodulocystic acne your doctor will prescribe isotretinoin along with topicals.Most of the medicines will work but it take time, at-least 6-8 wks treatment is required.

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  10. Dr.Deepak
    Dr.Deepak Dermatologist MBBS, MD Dermatology and Venereology

    Welcome to DermaTalk Zeena, Garlic is thought to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects , so as a result it might help to some extent in reducing acne if you strictly apply only to the bumps. But is can also cause severe irritant contact dermatitis resulting in chemical burn in the skin.Read more

    Welcome to DermaTalk Zeena, Garlic is thought to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects , so as a result it might help to some extent in reducing acne if you strictly apply only to the bumps. But is can also cause severe irritant contact dermatitis resulting in chemical burn in the skin. This chemical burn can cause pigmentation and scarring to the skin, so be very cautious if u are using garlic.

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