Dermatographic Urticaria is a common form of physical urticaria where linear wheal occurs when skin is stroked with a firm object. The wheal may occur rapidly within 5-10 minutes and usually fades within 20-30 minutes. In some cases wheal may ...
DermaTalk Latest Articles
Cold Urticaria: Causes, Risk Factors and Treatment

Cold urticaria is a skin disorder where affected patients develop urticarial rash after physical exposure to cold objects such as cold water, air, or foods. These symptoms can develop within minutes of exposure to cold stimulus. There are two types ...
Mask of Pregnancy
Mask of pregnancy, also known as melasma or chloasma is a common presentation during pregnancy. Almost 75% of the women who becomes pregnant have muddy brown pigmentation on their face. Melasma usually appear on cheeks, nose and forehead or any ...
Premature Skin Aging
Aging of the skin is an ongoing process which usually begins at early thirties. It is usually associated with increased wrinkling, laxity and sagging of the skin. There are two factors that contribute to aging of the skin; intrinsic aging ...
10 Makeup Tips To Help Prevent Acne Breakouts
Does it seem like the more you try to hide your acne, the more acne you have to hide? If that is the case, then part of the problem may be the makeup you are using. We’ll try some makeups ...