Silly me i was trying to shape my eyebrow and finally end up plucking all. How long does it take for eyebrows to grow back ?
DermaTalk Latest Questions
What’s the best hair removal cream or spray that won’t make your hair grow back thicker or darker?
Ok, baldness may be your destination. But how long it takes to get there is optional. Because even if hair loss is unavoidable, it is also postponable. I believe that certain lifestyle factors can accelerate hair loss. Your diet, your ...
I recently went to a derma clinic and had my warts removed. I stop putting foundation because the dermatologist said I should not wash my face for two days. Now is the second day of it and Im planning to ...
I have heard garlic reduces your acne, have anyone tried using garlic for acne.
I’m an acne suffer since teenage, most of the medicine works for few weeks and then comes back. So, what is the medicine that has worked best on you? For me minocycline works but risk of pigmentation is high if ...