Summer is here,  and everyone loves to spend their day relaxing on the beach, lake or river, go out for fishing or some other activities that may have much sun exposure. It only takes takes 20-30 minutes to get sunburn, but you may notice the redness and burning after few hours. In this article we’ll learn how can we Stop Peeling From Sunburn,  its treatment and home remedy for sunburn.

What is Sunburn ?

Sunsurn is an acute cutaneous inflammatory reaction that follows after excessive exposure to ultraviolet light source. These source may be sun, phototherapy lambs, tanning beds or arc lamps. Sun burn usually occurs high in person with Skin phototype I ( those who are Pale white skin, blue/hazel eyes, blond/red hair) then darker skinned  people.

Why do your skin peel after a sunburn ?

Peeling of your skin after sunburn is a natural phenomenon to remove the cells which are already dead or damage from sun. Its just a repair mechanism of your skin with new cells. This process of mass removal of the damage cells result in peeling of your skin and is replaced by new layer of cells. This process is necessary for your skin and you cannot control it. But, you can at least prevent it from getting burn and peeling.

sunburn peeling
sunburn peeling

How can i stop peeling from sunburn ?

  • Minimize sun exposure during  high sun exposure time, 10am to 2 pm.
  • Wear protective clothing, sun glasses and hat.
  • Apply sunscreen that provides UVA and UVB protection with sun protection factor ( SPF ) of atleast 30.
  • Apply sun screen 15-30 minutes before sun exposure and 30 minutes after sun exposure begins.
  • Avoid sun exposure if you are on some medications, especially some antibiotics, antipsoriatic or acne medications. Consult your doctor before you plan to go for vaccations on high sun exposure areas.
  • Most of the sun screen are not water proof as they claims, so reapply sunscreen after activities like swimming and sweating.
  • Take plenty of water before going on sun exposed areas.

So you have burned your skin already, what should you do to Prevent Sunburn From Peeling ?

  • First of all avoid the cause immediately, either sun or tanning beds or so and cover the skin.
  • If your burn is mild, apply cold compress. This can be done with towel or piece of cloths. Either dip towel in very cold icy water or you can wrap ice pack in a towel, then apply on the affected area for at least 15-20 minutes.Repeat this process every 2-3 hours.
  • Apply calamine lotion to the affected area. It soothes and cools your skin. you can also take a oatmeal bath.
  • Minimize other bath salts,oils and perfumes as it may produce sensitivity reaction.
  • Avoid any creams or lotion with anesthetic effect as you may become sensitized and allergy reaction may occur.
  • Don’t Scratch or scrub the skin.
  • Make sure you are well hydrated.
  • Apply moisturizing creams and Aloe Vera gels which will provide comfort to your skin. Avoid fatty creams, as they prevent skin from cooling.
  • Avoid sun exposure for at least 48-72 hrs.
  • You can take drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin to relief pain and discomfort. Don’t give aspirin to a child below 12 years of age.
  • Here are some more: Home Remedies for Sunburn

If you have any questions regarding sunburn you can ask our community expert at Tanning and Sunburn section of the forum
